The Oxbow School Gap Semester



Ages当前位置17- 19任何高中毕业但尚未上大学的学生都可以被考虑.

Capacity: 8 - 12 This is a special program with limited capacity; please complete your application ASAP.

Cost: Fall 2023 + Spring 2024 tuition, including room & 4个月的学期,伙食费,所有用品费,实地考察费,指导费,以及更多的费用是34000美元. All-inclusive tuition for the 6-week 2023 Oxbow Summer Art Institute is $16,000. Need and merit-based scholarships are limited for our post-grad program.

Application Process: Gap students should follow Oxbow’s standard application process by filling out our online general application, our part two student and parent questionnaires, submitting their high school transcripts, and submitting a self portrait in any style or medium. 间隔期学生需要完成间隔学期提案,而不是标准的学期论文提示.


出于各种各样的原因,许多学生决定在高中毕业后进行间隔年. Oxbow Gap学期是为那些在开始下一章之前对沉浸式视觉艺术体验感兴趣的人设计的. 这个独特的项目允许成熟的学生与专业艺术家和学者合作,在一个有利于艺术和个人成长的美丽环境中指导他们自己的学习过程.

牛轭空档学期的学生住在一起,有更多的独立性和个性化的机会. Students may decide to assume a leadership role as a studio assistant, intern with a local organization, or delve deeply in a long-term art project of their design. As part of a small residential cohort, 间隔学期的学生有一个导师,他们每周以小组形式与导师会面,讨论他们的进步和设定目标. Students also have many opportunities to meet individually with faculty, advisors, staff, and mentors.

Prior to arrival, 我们鼓励学生在牛津大学期间提出一个(或一系列)他们想要研究的项目. 间隔学期鼓励学生在一段持续的时间内进一步追求自己的激情,或者尝试新的想法和技术. 这个项目是一个真正的学徒制,学生可以从一系列的主题和技能中选择重点. Examples include: regenerative agriculture and gardening, the culinary arts, studio techniques, and portfolio development. 他们与顾问密切合作,规划他们成功实现目标的旅程. The Oxbow faculty guide students from concept to execution.

Focus areas may include: darkroom and/or digital photography, film, painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, performance art, animation, and multimedia installation, fashion, design, illustration, creative writing, political science, food systems & 可持续发展,艺术作为行动主义,以及学生可能感兴趣的任何其他领域.

完成牛轭间隔学期后,学生将获得结业证书, a narrative transcript, and a letter of recommendation.

The Oxbow Gap semester is a wonderful way to spend a semester before college, or to prepare to apply to college. It’s also a great way to develop an independent, disciplined, 和自我指导的工作室艺术实践,学生可以带着他们的一生.


Alex W.

What new skills and habits did you acquired during your semester?

"I’ve learned to write and talk about my art eloquently, 我从来没想过它会像我了解到的那么重要. Since coming here, I have also been using my sketchbook a lot, either drawing or painting each day, and that has allowed me to craft my skills in a more informal way. The journals provided to us were also something that I heavily used, 有规律地记笔记是我在牛轭课后养成的一个习惯. 这对我来说是一个巨大的进步,因为我一直很讨厌记笔记."

How did you grown as an artist at Oxbow?

"At Oxbow, my subject matter became more personal as time went on. 我认为我能够利用这个主题和随之而来的脆弱性来探索我自己和我的生活中以前从未有过的部分. Prior to Oxbow, I only really worked in photography, 但在这学期的课程中,我真的能够尝试我不熟悉的媒体大项目. Over the course of the semester, I completed big projects in painting, in analog slide projection, in video, 在安装方面——所有的新媒体我都有了新发现的爱,并将继续探索超越牛轭."

Describe how you grew as a scholar.

“我总是避免写皇冠平台自己的东西,因为这涉及到激烈而耗费脑力的反思过程, 但定期的个人叙事写作任务确实帮助我克服了我所经历的伪作家障碍. In high school, I was so used to writing analytical papers or fiction pieces. 我现在对写我自己和我的生活感到更自在了,对此我很感激."

Ayla K.

How have you changed since you arrived at Oxbow?

“我觉得我的自信和我的能力有了很大的变化. 我也意识到我需要为我想要的生活而努力奋斗,并坚持下去."

What was your greatest success?

“我最大的成功是在整个学期中申请并接触了几份我想要的工作,以及完成了几个我不熟悉的媒介的项目. In particular, I am very proud of my printed map, as that entire process was completely foreign to me."

What new skills and habits did you acquire at Oxbow?

“我学会了版画,如何屠宰一只鸡,以及如何用天然材料进行雕刻. I also learned to conceptualize art instead of making it just because of looks. I learned basic farming practices, how to advocate for myself, and how to interact with people I am constantly surrounded by."

Describe how you grew as an artist at Oxbow.

"I am far more confident and exploratory in my art. I also have been able to develop conceptual meaning."

Describe how you have grown has a scholar.
